Which helps speed up the recovery of pinched nerves so that the painful waist returns to health & smooth activity. Pinched nerves, Severe neck pain, Spasms and sprains of the cervical muscles, Discs that have hernias or protruding neck arthritis, Spinal stenosis or sciatica, Sore nerve roots in the spine, Severe back pain, lower back pain, Degenerative disc disease, Worn spinal joints, Stress or trauma to the cervical and lumbar areas due to performing daily tasks, Injuries to the neck, nerves and spinal joints are injured.
FEATURES: Cervical Pain Relief Device gently stretches the neck muscles to align the spinal discs and reduce neck pain.
• Designed to adjust the neck to a natural curve of 20°
• Lightweight Can be worn while standing, sitting or working in the office
• Rear inflatable pads lift cervical vertebrae
• Air pressure release valve prevents overinflation
• Adjustable traction strength
• Includes manual air pumps
Wear 10 to 20 minutes, 3 to 4 times a day as needed
NO. KEMENKES RI AKL 11403027807